Vivre sans espoir, c’est cesser de vivre. Dostoïevski 1821-1881 * L'espoir des hommes, c'est leur raison de vivre et de mourir. André Malraux * Qui n'a plus d'espoir n'aura plus de regrets. William Shakespeare * L'espoir n'est pas une formule mais une pratique. * L'espoir fait vivre * L'espoir, une des rares choses que l'on entretienne à peu de frais - souvent même pour rien. * En pleine angoisse, ne perds jamais l'espoir, car la moelle la plus exquise est dans l'os le plus dur. * L'espoir est une mémoire qui désire. Honoré de Balzac * Ecole Amal: Activities
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يقول صلى الله عليه وسلم : " من اراد الدنيا فعليه بالعلم ، ومن اراد الاخرة فعليه بالعلم ومن ارادهما معا فعليه بالعلم" قف للمعلم وفه التبجيلا * كاد المعلم أن يكون -رسولا- ....مما لاشك فيه أن للمعلم ايدي بيضاء في بناء الانسان وبناء الحضارة ، فالمعلم من يعد الطبيب الناجح ، والمعلم من يصنع المهندس الباني ، والمحاسب الماهر ، والوزير اللامع ، فبالعلم والمعلم تخضر الارض وتورق الاشجار ، ويفيح اريج الزهور ، وبالمعلم تعلو بسمات الاطفال وتهب نسائم الحرية ، وبالمعلم نرتقي الى السماء الى الفضاء لنكتب بخيوط الشمس امجادنا ، ونسمع الدنيا اصواتنا.فبالمعلم نطلق العنان لاحلامنا وافكارنا ، ليعانق طموحنا قوس قزح في الاعالي ، فالمعلمون بأيديهم صنعوا رجال الامة ، وعظماء التاريخ ، وبأيديهم سيرسمون غدا مشرق بالعلم والامل ، فلا تغيب شمسه ابدا.

lundi 16 juillet 2007


To achieve these goals, we propose the following elements:Beyond a session of traditional formation with qualified teachers in Arab language (1h) and another for Coran (to memorize Hizb at least) with the interpretation while insisting on a good chois of Koranic or prophetic stories.We propose two working hours of varied animation: discusses, research, discovery, cultural activity or sporting ensured by a whole of voluntary speakers of various specialities.has) Mental activitiesThe children of any age are fond of delicacies stories. They there look further into their vocabulary, work their imagination and easily memorize accounts which they will retain sometimes all their life.The theatre and Anachid are a good moment of distraction.To draw from the history and the culture arabo-Moslem woman will make it possible to discover a rich heap of inheritance pride glory.To discuss around a topic in direct connection with the daily newspaper of the young boys and the girls will have more chance to be engraved in memory than a court masterly or a conference.b) Collective sports and playsThe organizers have at their disposal to make practise this kind of activity the grounds being near the school.c) ExitsVery left is the occasion to discover, to approach advantages of nature, côtoyer the company.It is the occasion or never to learn the respect from the difference, to discuss its impressions and to open on the world. These exits are of two types:Small exits:Days of these exits. They are done in general inside the Lyons agglomeration which is rich in cultural and scientific events.Great exits:These great exits are spread out over one or two days, the parents will be prevented one month in advance minimum of the place, the methods of transport and the price. To reduce the price of transport or to save time, it can that we call upon the participation of the parents conveyed at the time of these exits (large or small), with the case they would take place in the Lyons agglomeration or in the vicinity.D) Participation in the common lifeThe young people will pass together a half day per week and will have to learn the respect from their comrades. They will also learn that to be responsible is also to respect all that the school places at their disposal.E) Linguistic exitsIt would be very avantagieux to organize kind of exits (if God allows it), because the best way of learning English or Spanish or the Arab language, it is to visit England or Spain or Egypt for example.For more effectiveness, it is appropriate of:
 the dialogue and listening through the debates and the think tanks.
 the encouragement on the initiative personal and with voluntary work (participation has projects supporting the wellbeing of the company and the environmental protection)
 Use of audio-visual supports
 Activities of relaxation, the sport, mental activities (theatre, song, sport, left…)
 Distribution of books and cassettes.
 Adhesion and participation in the newspaper
 Study and research relating to various topics
 Meeting of men of knowing and visits cultural institutes
 Participation in intellectual or sporting events
 manual and artistic Work (workshop: cook, of seam, decoration of the school at the time of the festivals, preparation of charts….)
 Various activities (swimming, karate and the self-service defense, embroidery and decoration, kitchen, agriculture…)

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Ecole Amal à Lyon * Propose un programme pédagogique adapté pour les jeunes, une formation simple et efficace avec des enseignants et des intervenants spécialisés et compétents, un travail d’animation varié : débat, recherche, découverte, activités culturelles et sportives. Parmi ses objectifs Faire aimer le travail proposé aux élèves et les inviter à participer à son élaboration et à sa mise en application.Les écouter pour bien communiquer avec eux.Trouver des solutions et répondre à leurs attentes.